Christmas day is the only day of the year where eating chocolate at 9am is acceptable and sipping on mulled wine by 11am is encouraged. It’s a day where you can fill yourself to the brim with your favourite festive food and spend quality time with the family - whether that’s showering each other with presents or ripping each other apart over controversial politics as you eat the Christmas pudding that no one really likes.

Whatever your Christmas looks like, we’ve put together a list of 10 of the most typical Christmas Days and how you can dress to impress in vintage designer clothing for each and every one of them:

The Couple’s Christmas
For those who love spending time with their partner at Christmas without any family drama. Usually, couples have to decide whose family they’ll spend Christmas at this year. Sometimes it’s a hard decision to make so in the end you just think you’ll spend it with your Number 1 and no one else. For this, we recommend 

something a little sexy as well as festive:

    Vintage Ted Baker Dress                                                    Vintage Hugo Boss Shirt

The Only Child Christmas

Spending Christmas at home with your parents when you’re an only child can either be a wonderful and stress-free experience, or will turn into a session of: ‘What are you planning on doing with your life?’ ‘Have you met someone yet?’ ‘Is that job really right for you?’ ‘You look too thin - have you been eating? Here’s another potato!’. Whichever it is, you need to dress to show them just how fabulous and independent you are:

      Vintage Ted Baker Skirt                                                  Vintage Henry Cottons Trousers

The Sibling Mayhem Christmas
For those with a massive immediate family who all come together for the big day. Think Cheaper by the Dozen - lots of kids of all different ages, still acting like they’re 10. We anticipate tea towel fights, food being thrown and parents becoming stressed. To suit this mad but let’s be honest, perfect environment, we chose:

               Vintage Hollister Cardigan                                   Vintage Eddie Bauer Jumper

The Extended Family Christmas
Whether you love or hate the many Aunties, Uncles and cousins that come out of the woodwork at Christmas, the 25th of December is a day to be a part of the bigger family unit. With everyone mucking in for the huge amount of cooking that needs to be done, washing up and someone keeping the champagne flowing, extended family Christmas’ are mad, fun and an event for the photo album every year:

            Vintage Massimo Dutti                                                    Vintage Joop Blazer

The Eat out at Christmas Christmas
If your family is one of those who don’t want the stress of cooking on the big day, eating out is becoming a more viable and popular option! Whether you’re headed somewhere fancy or just to the local pub, show the locals how you do Christmas:

     Vintage Karen Millen Dress                                         Vintage Ralph Lauren Shirt

The Boozy Christmas
The best kind in our opinion… A mixture of too many glasses of bubbly, mulled cider and red win can usually be a dodgy concoction; however, on Christmas day it’s pretty much mandatory! Be ready for anything for your boozy Christmas sends your way by wearing something loose to cover bloat, hide stains and help to keep your dignity all whilst looking surprisingly glam at the same time!

              Vintage Shenyu Dress                                                Vintage Carrera Shirt


The all-you-can-eat Christmas
When your number 1 aim of Christmas Day is to fill your belly with as much food as possible, you've absolutely got to be dressed for the game. We recommend something loose around the tummy that will allow you eat til your heart's content (and more) - much like Joey's Thanksgiving pants:

              Vintage Boden Jumper                                       Vintage Chaps Jumper

The Christmas Abroad Christmas
When we go abroad for Christmas, it's most likely to somewhere warm; to get away from the freezing weather and dark evenings. If you're in a part of the world that's sunny in December, not only are we super jealous, we also recommend you head for a light outfit that can also be festive:

            Vintage Ted Baker Dress                                             Vintage Esprit Shirt

The Me-Time Christmas
Me-time can be hard to come across. In our hectic lives many of us spend all our days around people; whether we want to or not and are often forced into interactions that are not welcome nor enjoyable. If a Christmas Day spent alone is what you want, a Christmas alone is what you should get! With no one to impress, you can settle down in whatever type of clothes you want - why not pyjamas and a massive comfy jumper? For your eyes only...

                Vintage Fat Face Cardigan                               Vintage Ralph Lauren Jumper

The In-Laws Christmas
For some this seems like hell on earth and for others it's not so bad. Whatever your opinion of your in-laws (your business, not ours!) you should make some kind of effort with your attire to be prepared for whatever may come your way!

                      Vintage Gap Dress                                      Vintage Hugo Boss Blazer

December 12, 2017