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The North Face coats are ideal for keeping warm in the winter. They have a huge range of iconic designs with the most popular being the Nupste puffer jacket. There’s always demand for vintage North Face puffers and coats, and like with all of the biggest brands, counterfeiters have seen an opportunity to cash in on the popularity by making fakes. In this article, we’ll explain how to tell if a North Face is fake.


If the North Face coat you’re checking is a Nupste or other puffer style, the easiest thing to spot is the thickness. Although a fake jacket will still be puffy, it won’t be a big and defined as the real ones. The best area to spot this is the arms; get a look at how much the ‘puffiness’ of the jacket actually sticks out and defines the arms. If it’s big but not puffy, it could be a fake.

Neck tag

There are some tell-tale signs of a fake when looking at the inner neck tag. Keep an eye out for extra or uneven stitching and thread left hanging. The logo itself can also give away a fake; on a real jacket, the letters should all be evenly spaced and aligned perfectly with the curved logo on the right. Have a look at the size of the letters too, as a fake will have letters with different levels of thickness. This is easiest to spot on the curved parts of the ‘C’ and ‘R’.

Chest and back logo

The chest and back logo are another easy area to spot some differences between real and fake. All of the same aspects of a real or fake logo on the neck tag also apply to the outer logos found on the chest and back of the jacket. It can be easier to spot these defects and differences on these outer logos as they’re a bit larger and the embroidered nature makes any misaligned or thicker letters stand out more.

Holographic tag

Lastly, have a look at the holographic tag near the washing tags at the bottom of the coat. Although fakes will often still have this holographic tag, you can tell if it’s fake by how well it reflects light. A real tag will appear much more colourful and bright; if the tag seems quite muted and dull, it could be a fake.

Spotting a fake with all of these checks

If you check each of these parts of your vintage North Face coat and find that several of the differences are present, it’s likely that the jacket is fake. The best way to avoid this issue is to shop for vintage coats at Messina Hembry, where every item of clothing we source is checked for both authenticity and quality. You can have peace of mind when buying vintage from us with our Authenticity Guarantee.

Shop for authentic preloved The North Face here today.

Januar 31, 2022