Our Frequently Asked Question

Your Order

Why is my promo code not working?

If you encounter issue with your promo code, please consider the following

- Only one discount promo code can be used per order.

- Discount/promo codes can not be applied to gift vouchers

- Each discount/promo code may have specific terms and conditions, including validity for certain items and an expiry date. Please review the conditions for each code here

- Some codes may be exclusive to specific customers (eg, first-time customers), and the terms and conditions will indicate if this is the case. If you received the code in an email from Go Thrift, it might be linked to that email address Ensure you're using the Go Thrift account associated with the same email address to which we sent the code.

If your discount code still isn't working after considering the above factors, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Care Team for further assistance

Why la my promo code not working?

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore magnam, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

Why is my promo code not working?

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore magnam, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

Why is my promo code not working? 

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore magnam, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

Returns and Exchanges

Why is my promo code not working?

If you encounter issue with your promo code, please consider the following

- Only one discount promo code can be used per order.

- Discount/promo codes can not be applied to gift vouchers

- Each discount/promo code may have specific terms and conditions, including validity for certain items and an expiry date. Please review the conditions for each code here

- Some codes may be exclusive to specific customers (eg, first-time customers), and the terms and conditions will indicate if this is the case. If you received the code in an email from Go Thrift, it might be linked to that email address Ensure you're using the Go Thrift account associated with the same email address to which we sent the code.

If your discount code still isn't working after considering the above factors, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Care Team for further assistance

Why la my promo code not working?

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore magnam, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

Why is my promo code not working?

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore magnam, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

Why is my promo code not working? 

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore magnam, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

Shipping and Delivery

Why is my promo code not working?

If you encounter issue with your promo code, please consider the following

- Only one discount promo code can be used per order.

- Discount/promo codes can not be applied to gift vouchers

- Each discount/promo code may have specific terms and conditions, including validity for certain items and an expiry date. Please review the conditions for each code here

- Some codes may be exclusive to specific customers (eg, first-time customers), and the terms and conditions will indicate if this is the case. If you received the code in an email from Go Thrift, it might be linked to that email address Ensure you're using the Go Thrift account associated with the same email address to which we sent the code.

If your discount code still isn't working after considering the above factors, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Care Team for further assistance

Why la my promo code not working?

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore magnam, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

Why is my promo code not working?

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore magnam, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

Why is my promo code not working? 

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore magnam, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

Our Clothing

Why is my promo code not working?

If you encounter issue with your promo code, please consider the following

- Only one discount promo code can be used per order.

- Discount/promo codes can not be applied to gift vouchers

- Each discount/promo code may have specific terms and conditions, including validity for certain items and an expiry date. Please review the conditions for each code here

- Some codes may be exclusive to specific customers (eg, first-time customers), and the terms and conditions will indicate if this is the case. If you received the code in an email from Go Thrift, it might be linked to that email address Ensure you're using the Go Thrift account associated with the same email address to which we sent the code.

If your discount code still isn't working after considering the above factors, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Care Team for further assistance

Why la my promo code not working?

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore magnam, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

Why is my promo code not working?

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore magnam, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.

Why is my promo code not working? 

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore magnam, nobis consequuntur nemo cupiditate vel sit ducimus quisquam quaerat sint officia ad voluptas consectetur beatae quis illo accusamus vero odit, architecto et.