A lot of us have probably started the New Year with emptily promising ourselves far-fetched resolutions - don't worry we all do it. Sometimes it's a vow to eat more healthily and start back at the gym (we've heard that one before), perhaps to be more ruthless with saving money so you can afford a jolly holiday in the Summer (instead of blitzing it all down at the pub on a Friday night), or maybe you've insisted that this year you will finally take on your phone bill and become the responsible adult you should have become several years ago! Well, here at Messina Hembry, we've set our 2016 goals and decided to share one of our dearest with you readers today.
It's becoming increasingly important to be more culturally and environmentally aware, with designers and brands pushing for the production of more conscious clothing - helping customers to sweep up the labels they love without it weighing on their conscience. Ethical fashion is unfortunately still a slow process with our modern consumers buying into fast fashion with the constant promise of new production, cheaper price tags and ever changing trend-led designs. However, Messina Hembry have decided to point out why investing in preloved vintage fashion is a great way to do your part in becoming more environmentally friendly!

So if you're one of these forward thinking savvy shoppers who wants to make a difference, then read on to find out why buying preloved designer clothing can help reduce your carbon footprint:


Think of it this way; every time you purchase something that has already been purchased and worn, you are giving it a new lease of life, you are recycling. By the first owner donating their perfectly wearable clothing, they have avoided it ending up as rubbish and land fill, and by you purchasing said item afterwards, you've given it a new home where it'll be worn again as if it were new.
 Manufacturing mass produced clothing uses an incredible amount of energy, fuel and power to not only create, but ship the products to their retailers. Preloved clothing however, costs nothing to produce (as it has already been produced) and since we buy most of our stock in bulk it costs significantly less to ship!
When clothes are manufactured they are mainly made in countries where it is cheaper to produce them (such as third-world countries). The fumes, gases, dirty water, dyes and chemicals are often dumped into nearby rivers, polluting the water and polluting the air, creating unhygienic and dangerous environments for the workers and citizens.
 Manufacturing factories across the globe have been causing uproar since day one, with unsafe working environments workers in places such as Bangladesh have died in the face of fast fashion. Factories have collapsed due to unsupportive structures and crushed it's innocent workers, yet we are still living in a world where someone somewhere has to pay a regrettable price for your threads. Shopping vintage eradicates you ever having direct involvement with unethical sweatshops - the more of us that choose reworked pieces instead of overworked people, the healthier our planet will be.
 If you are an animal lover of any calibre, you can appreciate that it's equally important to be   cruelty free and as passionate about our furry (and scaly!) friends as much as it is important to care about people. Although a lot of vintage clothing consists of real fur, leather and croc etc. those animals have already been hunted for their skins - there is no need to see another one die in vain. Many of our planets beautiful mammals, birds and reptiles have been bred in captivity with little value on their quality of life. By buying preloved, you're making sure their legacy lasts longer and that no more will suffer at the hands of your wallet.
If you haven't considered preloved designer clothing before, now is the time to make your purchase count. By shopping with Messina Hembry you are making a statement to our Earth that you are willing to play your part whilst still adoring your eco-friendly threads!
January 25, 2016