Vintage Helly Hansen Clothing
Known for outdoor sports gear ad foul weather fishing gear as seen on television (Deadliest Catch), the Norwegian Helly Hansen founded in 1877 is used in; industrial work wear, survival and rescue ad performance sports.
Infamous for developing their own fabric and materials, Helly Hansen has created many new fabrics that have been used in their products over the years including: linox, helox, planex and fibrepile.
All of the clothing made by the Norwegian company use hydrophilic and microporous material meaning that hydrophilic garments pass water vapour to the outside of the garment, whilst microporous allow water to pass out of the garment without letting moisture in.
In 2012, Helly Hansen won an Award for Design Excellence from the Norwegian Design Council for the H2 Flow Jacket which features an airflow venting system and a protective system which allows the wearer to regulate their own body temperature.
Gaining popularity amongst UK youths in the 1990’s, the Helly Hansen brand can be found in many sports shops as well as specialist performance stores.